Thermal Compact Hood – Test Enclosure
TA-5000 ThermalAir Accessory
The ThermalAir TA-5000 can bring precise thermal capabilities directly to your test application localizing the test where it’s required.
Our new thermal test technology gives the end user the ability to easily test while controlling the ramp rate speed with one touch temperature set point functions.
An Evolution in Localized Environmental Testing Equipment
-60°C to +200°C
Temperature Cycling Enclosure – Small Temperature Cycling Chamber – Temperature Test Enclosure – Environmental Test Enclosure – Small Temperature Chamber
Thermal Test Enclosure
TA-5000A with Hood
     -80°C to +225°C
The ThermalAir TA-5000A delivers a precise thermal stream of hot or cold dry air -80°C to +225°C capabilities directly to your test application, exactly localizing to where thermal conditioning and temperature cycle test Hot & Cold is required.
ThermalAir TA-5000A Compact Hood Style Chamber is a thermal test enclosure that can be raised and lowered down over unit under test for quick and easy loading / unloading parts right on your test station bench test fixture that need temperature thermal conditioning. Temperature test and cycle your electronic / non-electronic parts and other test articles and devices at temperatures from -60° to +200°C with Hood Style Chamber at temperature accuracy and uniformity, unmatched by standard environmental temperature test chambers.
Thermal Shock Chamber – Small Test Chamber – Temperature Cycling Enclosure – Small Temperature Chamber – Small Temperature Cycling Chamber
Military Defense to Consumer Electronics to Transportation to Cloud Computing Data Centers demand safety, performance, and reliability continues to grow. These components require temperature conditioning and fast temperature cycling at ranges from as cold as -100C to +300C and beyond.
- No LN2 or CO2 Required
- Interchangeable Compact Chamber Sizes
- Feed-Thru for Connecting Test Cables, Plugs, Â and Connectors to Device Under Test
- Fast Ramp Rates &Â Temperature Transition Times (User Controlled)
- Additional Internal Temperature Probe (Location Defined by User Placement)
Environmental Test Enclosure – Small Test Chamber – Thermal Testing Chambers – Small Temperature Cycling Chamber – Small Temperature Chamber
-80°C to +225°C
MPI Thermal localized temperature inducing test equipment brings temperature to your test. MPI thermal systems are portable and can easily be moved from one test station to another. Temperature cycling, thermal profiling and other environmental temperature conditioning is why MPI Thermal test systems are part of the manufacturing temperature test processes.
The ThermalAir TA-5000A systems with the Hood Style temperature test enclosure provides heating and cooling for all types of materials. MPI’s thermal test enclosures & chambers are ideal for thermal testing and cycling various temperature ranges on parts and electronic components.
ThermalAir TA-5000A small temperature test enclosure meets the mil-spec temperature range of -55°C to +125°C (actual test range -80°C to +225°C). Fast temperature ramp rates for thermal cycling test in just minutes.
Thermal Test Systems – Thermal Test Chamber – Temperature Test Chamber – Benchtop Environmental Test Chambers – Temperature Testing Chamber
Control the Ramp Rate Transition Times
ThermalAir temperature cycling test enclosure easily exceeds the mil-spec temperature range of -55°C to +125°C (actual test range -80°C to +225°C). Fast temperature cycling test in just minutes.
The DC chiller and DC Heater patented technology runs at full temperature performance at any power frequency, 200VAC to 250VAC users facility with 50% greater energy efficiency.
Thermal Shock Chamber – Benchtop Test Enclosure – Temperature Cycling Enclosure – Benchtop Test Chambers – Benchtop Temperature Test Enclosure
Environmental Testing Solutions
Thermal Hood – Temperture Test Enclosure
-60°C to +200°C
Download the Datasheets
Temperature Change Rate (in minutes)
ThermalAir Custom Test Chambers Sizes Available
The ThermalAir series of temperature testing and thermal cycling test systems and their accessories can be customized for your applications, optimizing your production environment’s inline testing.
The TA-5000A and TA-3000A series can also be used with the Thermal Hood Test Enclosure.
Be sure to ask a representive about Custom Size Test Chambers.
Customize Your Temperature Testing Application
ThermalAir Test Chambers & Accessories
They incorporate an intuitive full funtion for the ThermalAir users with the flexibility to accurately test in a variety of ways at the thermal test workstation.
The TA-5000A and TA-3000A series can also be used with an Thermal End Effector adaptors interfaced to the end of Thermal Head Arm and Stand, designed to adapt to the end users device under test. The exact use of this device depends on the users thermal test application.